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Working for Families Tax Credits

Working for Families tax credits are available to families with dependent children aged 18 years or younger.  These are refundable, meaning that if the credits exceed the person's income tax liability they are able to be refunded to the taxpayer.

The Working for Families tax credits are made up of the following:

  • family tax credit – credits of tax paid for each dependent child
  • in-work tax credit – available to couples who work at least 30 hours a week between them and to sole parents who work at least 20 hours a week
  • parental tax credit – available to working families with a newborn child who do not receive paid parental leave or income-tested benefits
  • minimum family tax credit – this credit ensures a minimum annual family income for those families falling below the threshold

Inland Revenue administer the Working for Families tax credits, however taxpayers who receive an income-tested benefit will receive payments from Work and Income.

For more information just give us a call or visit the IRD website.


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